Another training in life-saving skills

Since the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal in 2015, Sauveteurs Sans Frontières has been supporting the people of Nepal through a number of actions: emergency and non-emergency medical care, medications, first aid training courses.

SSF has 3 main objectives: Rescue, Treat, Train (Sauver, Soigner, Former in French).

To that end, Sauveteurs Sans Frontières funded another first aid training course that took place on 5-6 May of 2018. The training was hosted by Helping Hands Children Home, a Nepali orphanage that’s home to 20 children between the ages of  6 and 17. SSF has been helping the orphanage with the rent for the past 2 years.

With the assistance of our partner Jivana Nepal which handles coordination (thank you Mathilde and Isa!), SSF held its third 2-day training course and was able to train 14 young Nepali volunteers.

Kalyani, a Nepali nurse and trainer, describes  here the objective and the contents of the training:

“If you live in a small village up in the Himalayas, first aid training is an absolute necessity. The people who live in such a hostile environment need to be trained so they can help in emergency situations while they are waiting for emergency services to arrive; and they will save lives.”