“Whoever saves one life, saves the entire world”
About SSF-RESCUERS WITHOUT BORDERS is a non -governmental organization whose sole objective is to save lives regardless of nationalities or religions. Every time it is needed, we provide shelter, water, food, clothing and blankets to disaster victims. RWB is also constantly on the alert for areas which are exposed to outbreaks of disease, malnutrition, and other developing problems.
OUR VALUES : Humanity • Universality • Fraternity • Love • Courage • Commitment • Adaptabillity to Tough Environments
OUR MISSION : Rescue and Save Lives • Heal, Comfort and Prevent • Restore Lust for Lif • Reactivity
In 2000, when the second Intifada began in Israel, emergency rescue teams were established throughout the country to save lives. In 2005, these same rescue teams volunteered in Sri Lanka following a destructive tsunami, and have since made their way to every large natural disaster to treat hundreds of people. While abroad, these teams also work to train local teams in first aid and supply them with advanced lifesaving kits so they are more prepared if another crisis occurs. Today there are 14 SSF missions positioned throughout the world: including Nepal, Philippines, Mali, Indonesia, Jordan, France, Netherlands, Saint martin, Bengladash, South America and more.
SSF in action only a few hours after the large-scale earthquake in Haiti
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Whether by natural disasters or terrorism, the nations of the world have faced difficult times. In the Middle East and throughout the world, SSF has been continuously available for all those in need of emergency medical care. Over 600 first responders have been equipped with advanced medical kits which they use to treat the wounded in Israel and the Palestinian Territories.

Arié Lévy & Dalai Lama
The actions carried out by SSF in the past 10 years, were made possible thanks to a group of thoughtful individuals who chose to promote hope across the world and to act when lives could be saved. Numerous supporters have helped SSF to grow internationally and to cross borders. Political and religious leaders, well-known actors, artists and many men and women of influence have contributed to enhance the reach of our organization across the world.

Arié Lévy, Guy Senbel and Elie Wiesel
Setting up an international network
From its beginnings, SSF sought to set up an international network to create a faster and more efficient response to crises. So far, branches of SSF have been established in Indonesia, Haiti, Mali, India, Israel, Jordan and France.
Over the past 10 years, SSF teams have arrived to disasters and treated injured populations in countries such as Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Jordan and throughout Africa and the Middle East. Medical supplies have also been sent to several distressed zones.
SSF on the ground
In January 2005, faced with the horror caused by the Asian Tsunami, SSF immediately sent rescuers and over 2 tons of advanced medical supplies to join the humanitarian relief effort. Within a few days, more than 2,000 people were medically assisted by the SSF teams. The rescuers even helped deliver babies in extreme circumstances.
In 2008, SSF teams were among the first rescuers able to intervene in Myanmar, India, and Darfur.
In 2010, the SSF emergency response teams arrived in Haiti less than 24 hours after the large-scale earthquake occurred. They provided first aid and helped to extract and take care of survivors from under the rubble. Following the immediate disaster, SSF built several orphanages to look after Haitian children.
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On a daily basis, in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, over 600 Israeli volunteers intervene and provide medical assistance to Israeli and Palestinian populations facing accidents and disasters. After assessing and coordinating with local authorities, SSF has trained and equipped Palestinian rescuers with a rescue kit. Today, over 30 Palestinian rescuers offer emergency care in the most remote locations of the Palestinian Territories with SSF medical kits.
Meet Our Staff :
President: Mr Arié LEVY
Vice-Chairperson: Mrs Catherine MADAR
Treasurer: Mr Alexandre Samama
Secretary General: Mr Isal Laurent
Executive Committee : Laurence Aboulker, Valérie Agostini, Daniel Azoulay, Jean-Marc Bakouch, Caroline Benguigui, Michaël Berreby, Albane Cleret, Alix Cohen, Claude Cohen, Gérard Deray, Diane Dobensky, Ilann Dwek, Judith Elmaleh, Ayann Goses, Laurence Guerchon, Pierre et Stéphanie Lévy, Laurent Issenjou, Corinne Nahmani, Sophie et Prosper Ohayon, Justine Quemener Le Lay, Thierry Sadoun, Sylvie Schilansky, Brigitte Seknagi, Dominique Selvi-Ewald, Nilly Sirkorsky, Patricia Szuman, David et Keren Taieb, Florence Taïeb, Katia Toledano, Laurence Tordjmann.
Medical Committee : Dr Brahim Meksen, Dr Eric HAMAOUI, Dr Zemer WANG, Dr Chlomo SHIMONI, Dr Arik CHEHTER, Dr AJLOUNI
THEY SUPPORT SSF: Dali Lama – Spiritual leader, Hassen Chalgoumi – Imam, David Lau – Chief Rabbi of Israel, Father Gabriel Naddaf , Elie Wiesel – Nobel Peace Prize, Sidney Toledano – Christian Dior CEO, Asaf Avidan – Musician.
Contact Email : info@sauveteurs.org
To help us continue saving lives